Restoring a VM

In case of data loss or server corruption, you can rely on the backups you've scheduled or created. To restore a VM, follow these steps:

1. Access 'Manage VM Image':
  • From the menu, navigate to the 'Manage VM Image' option.
2. Select the Backup to Restore:
  • On this page, you will see a list of all VM backups. Click on the circular 'Restore' icon for the backup you want to restore.
3. Initiate Restore:
  • A new tab will open. Here, enter a new name for the VM you're restoring.
  • Click 'Update' to begin the restoration process.
4. Successful VM Restoration:
  • A new VM will be created successfully and available for management on the 'Manage VM' page.
5. Post-Restoration Steps:
  • After creating the restored VM, proceed as you would when setting up a new VM.
  • Use the same username and password to log in to the VM.
By following these steps, you can effectively restore a VM from a backup, ensuring data recovery and minimizing downtime in the event of data loss or server issues.