Robeeta Cloud Veri5 - Help Document

Robeeta Cloud Veri5 - Help Document

Verify PAN

Veri5 PAN Verification API

This API will verify the legitimacy of a PAN Account Number. You will need to pass the PAN Number to verify the status of the PAN account. On successful validation, the API will return the PAN holder’s first, middle, and last name along with the PAN status.


Authorization: Api key

Header: Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

  • AccessKey: string - (required) The API key used for authorization.
  • PanNumber: string - (required) The PAN number you want to verify.

Response Body

  • Response: string - A message indicating the outcome of the request.
  • PanNumber: string - The PAN number provided for verification.
  • PanStatus: string - The status of the PAN (e.g., valid, invalid).
  • FirstName: string - The first name of the PAN holder.
  • LastName: string - The last name of the PAN holder.
  • MiddleName: string - The middle name of the PAN holder.
  • PanHolderTitle: string - Title of the PAN holder.
  • PanLastUpdated: DateTime - The last update date of the PAN record.
  • PanStatusDescription: string - A description of the PAN status.
  • PanAadharSeeding: string - Indicates Aadhaar seeding status (Y, R, Blank, NA).

Note: The output response PanAadharSeeding has the following flags returned

Flag Description
Y Aadhaar Seeding is Successful
R Aadhaar Seeding is Unsuccessful
No Value (Blank) Aadhaar is not seeded
NA Aadhaar seeding Not applicable
Sample Request:
curl -X POST \n \\\n-H "Content-Type: application/json" \\\n-d '{\n  "AccessKey": "string",\n  "PanNumber": "string"\n}'
  "Response": "string",
  "PanNumber": "string",
  "PanStatus": "string",
  "FirstName": "string",
  "LastName": "string",
  "MiddleName": "string",
  "PanHolderTitle": "string",
  "PanLastUpdated": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
  "PanStatusDescription": "string",
  "PanAadharSeeding": "Y"