Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Document

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Document


SMS API Overview

The SMS API enables users to send SMS messages to mobile numbers efficiently. Designed for seamless and effective communication, it supports single and bulk messaging operations with robust tracking and monitoring capabilities.

1. Send Single SMS

The "Send Single SMS" endpoint allows users to send a single SMS to a specified mobile number. This is ideal for notifications, alerts, and quick updates.

Key Notes:

  • Ensure the recipient's mobile number is valid and formatted with the correct country code.
  • Use a registered sender ID for better delivery and identification.
  • API key authentication is mandatory for secure access.

2. Send Bulk SMS

The "Send Bulk SMS" endpoint enables sending SMS messages to multiple recipients in a single request. Each bulk request creates a unique task for tracking purposes.

Key Notes:

  • A unique Task GUID is provided in the response to track the status of the bulk request.
  • Ensure all messages adhere to pre-approved DLT templates with valid template GUIDs.
  • Monitor the task status using the Task GUID to verify message delivery.

3. Read Task Info

The "Read Task Info" endpoint allows users to retrieve specific details about a task created during a bulk SMS operation. It provides insights into the task's progress and status.

Key Notes:

  • Ensure the Task GUID corresponds to a valid and existing task.
  • Use this endpoint to check the status of messages (e.g., pending, sent, or failed).
  • Analyze task performance and monitor delivery rates.

4. Read Bulk SMS List

The "Read Bulk SMS List" endpoint allows users to fetch details of all messages within a specific bulk SMS task. This includes delivery statuses and message-specific information.

Key Notes:

  • Provide the Task GUID and API key to retrieve task-specific records.
  • Optionally filter results based on specific mobile numbers for better insights.
  • Use this endpoint to identify delivery issues and troubleshoot failed messages.


  • The Msg4 API usage is IP restricted; you must whitelist your IP and get your account Access Key before starting to use the Msg4 API.
  • You must have sufficient account balance to use this API.