Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Document

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Document

Create Text Message

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Documentation

Creates and sends a text message to the specified mobile number. You need to provide the API key, template GUID, mobile number, sender number, and the text of the message. The text message can be up to 4096 characters long.


Authorization: Api key

Header: Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

  • MobileNumber: string - (required) Mobile number to which the template message will be sent.
  • SenderNumber: string - (required) Registered mobile number from which the message will be sent.
  • MessageText: string - (required) The text content of the message. Must be within 4096 characters.

Response Body

  • Response: string - A message indicating the outcome of the request.
  • StatusCode: integer - A numeric status code representing the result of the operation (200 indicates success).

Note: You can send any text message with up to 4096 characters using this endpoint.

Sample Request:
