Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Document

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Document

Create Template Message

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 API Documentation

Creates a template message and sends it to the specified mobile number. You need to provide the API key, template GUID, mobile number, sender number, and the components of the message. Components can include text, images, or documents.


Authorization: Api key

Header: Content-Type: application/json

Request Body

  • TemplateGuid: string - (required) 32-character registered template GUID.
  • MobileNumber: string - (required) Mobile number to which the template message will be sent.
  • SenderNumber: string - (required) Registered mobile number from which the message will be sent.
  • Components:

  • Type: string - (required) Type of the component (e.g., text, image, video, or document). The specific fields to provide depend on the type.
  • image: object - Required for image-type components. Includes an image link and caption.
  • document: object - Required for document-type components. Includes a document link and file name.
  • Text: string - Required for text-type components. Contains the text content of the template.

Response Body

  • Response: string - A message indicating the outcome of the request.
  • StatusCode: integer - A numeric status code representing the result of the operation (200 indicates success).
  • DeliveryStatus: string - The status of the message delivery (e.g., "Submitted", "Failed", "Error").
  • Status Codes and Descriptions: The table below provides a list of possible status codes returned by the API along with their corresponding response descriptions.
    • StatusCode Response
      200 OK
      1704 Invalid ApiKey
      1705 Invalid Mobile Number
      1706 Invalid Sender Number
      1707 Invalid Template Guid

Note: It is only possible to send Templates with Active status. A message template status can change automatically from Active to Paused or Disabled based on feedback from customers.

Sample Request:
