Robeeta Cloud DHSM - Help Document

Robeeta Cloud DHSM - Help Document

Manage Template

The Template page in the Robeeta Cloud DHSM provides a straightforward way for users to manage domain templates. In this page, users can add new templates by specifying essential details, including the template name and selecting the zone name from a dropdown list of existing domains under their management. This dropdown ensures that templates are associated with the correct domain.

On the manage page, a default template is available by default. Users can utilize various filters to search for specific templates, including filters by zone name and template name. This functionality helps users quickly locate and manage their templates.

Additionally, users have the option to delete templates if they are no longer needed. This feature helps maintain an organized and efficient template library. It's important to note that these templates are specifically used for associating with domains during the domain addition process, streamlining the setup and management of domains within the Robeeta Cloud platform.