The Notification feature in Robeeta Cloud DHSM ensures you stay informed about the expiration of your purchased services. Notifications are sent in advance at intervals of 90, 60, 30, 15, 7, and 1 day(s) before the expiry date, helping you manage renewals without any hassle.
To access the notifications, simply click the bell icon at the top of the dashboard, which will take you to the Manage Notification page.
Manage Notification
The Manage Notification page provides a comprehensive view of your service reminders. It allows you to efficiently track and handle your notifications with ease. Here's what you can do on this page:
The Notification feature ensures that you never miss an important service renewal. Its intuitive interface, coupled with timely reminders, simplifies the management of your purchased services and helps maintain uninterrupted access to all your essential tools.
Stay on top of your service expirations and enjoy peace of mind with the robust Notification system in Robeeta Cloud DHSM.