Robeeta Cloud Msg4 - Help Document

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 - Help Document


The Master section in Robeeta Cloud is a centralized hub for managing essential elements of your messaging strategy. This section allows users to add and manage groups, contacts, SMS templates, and WhatsApp templates, streamlining the setup and organization of messaging campaigns.

Overview of the Master Section:

  1. Groups:

    Users can create and manage groups of contacts for targeted messaging campaigns. This feature simplifies the process of sending bulk messages to specific audiences, such as customers, employees, or event attendees. By organizing contacts into groups, users can efficiently manage and segment their communication efforts.

  2. Contacts:

    The Contacts feature allows users to store and manage individual contact details, including names, phone numbers, and other relevant information. This centralized contact management ensures that users have easy access to their contact list and can quickly add or update contact information as needed.

  3. SMS Templates:

    Users can create and save SMS templates for recurring messages, such as promotions, reminders, or notifications. By using predefined templates, users can maintain consistency in their messaging and save time when composing new messages. This feature also helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by allowing users to register their templates on the DLT platform.

  4. WhatsApp Templates:

    Similar to SMS templates, users can create and manage templates for WhatsApp messages. These templates enable users to quickly compose and send consistent messages through WhatsApp, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of their communication strategies.

In summary, the Master section in Robeeta Cloud provides a comprehensive and user-friendly interface for managing groups, contacts, SMS templates, and WhatsApp templates. By centralizing these essential components, users can streamline their messaging operations, ensure consistency in their communication, and enhance the overall efficiency of their campaigns.