Robeeta Cloud Msg4 - Help Document

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 - Help Document

Manage Bulk SMS

Version 25.1.4 Release Notes

The Manage Bulk SMS page in Robeeta Cloud MSG4 provides users with a comprehensive overview of their bulk messaging activities. This feature allows detailed tracking of message statuses, campaign management, and ensures that messages are sent as planned. It also provides a clear view of any issues that may arise during the campaign process.

Bulk SMS Process:

  • This section allows users to manage the details of their bulk SMS campaigns, providing essential information such as Date, Sender ID, Message Content, Campaign Name, and Message Status.
  • The Message Status progresses through the following stages:
    • Pending (initial): The status when the campaign is being set up.
    • Queued (processing): The status when the messages are being prepared for sending.
    • Submitted (successfully processed): The status when the messages have been successfully sent.
  • If issues arise (e.g., invalid Excel sheet or insufficient balance), statuses will show as:
    • Invalid Sheet: Indicates an issue with the format or content of the uploaded file.
    • Invalid Balance: Indicates that there is not enough balance to process the campaign.
  • The status and date filters allow users to quickly locate specific campaigns based on their current status or the date they were sent.
Bulk SMS Process

By managing the Bulk SMS section effectively, users can gain insights into the delivery status of each message, helping them optimize future campaigns and address any issues promptly.