Robeeta Cloud Msg4 - Help Document

Robeeta Cloud Msg4 - Help Document

Send Bulk SMS

Version 25.1.4 Release Notes

The Bulk SMS feature in Robeeta Cloud is designed to streamline mass communication, making it ideal for sending large volumes of messages such as marketing campaigns, announcements, and event notifications. To use this feature, users must ensure they have sufficient balance to send bulk SMS. Additionally, they need to provide the Route Name, Sender ID, and Template ID. In the message box, users should enter the Message registered on the DLT platform.

As with the Send SMS feature, while composing your message, the system provides helpful metrics to guide you, such as the number of characters used, characters remaining, and the number of messages being sent based on character count.

To efficiently send messages to multiple recipients, upload an Excel sheet containing contact names, numbers, and keys (key1, key2, key3, etc.). These keys correspond to message parameters and will replace parameter words in the message for each contact. The system will validate the uploaded Excel sheet, ignoring any invalid entries to ensure accurate delivery. A sample Excel sheet document can be downloaded from the Download Sample Document section for reference.

By following these steps, users can easily manage and execute bulk SMS campaigns, ensuring that their messages reach a wide audience efficiently and effectively.

Steps to Send Bulk SMS

  • Route: Select the route for sending bulk SMS messages.
  • Sender ID: Enter the Sender ID you’ve registered in the DLT platform.
  • Template: Choose or enter the Template ID registered on the DLT platform.
  • Template ID (DLT): Enter the DLT-registered template ID.
  • Campaign Name: Enter a name for your campaign.
  • Upload Excel Sheet: Select the Excel file from your device. Once uploaded, the system will validate the sheet before processing the messages.
  • Update: After selecting the above details, click the Update button to proceed.

Message Composition Metrics

  • Messages: The number of messages to be sent based on your message's character count.
  • Per Message: The character limits per message (first message: 160 characters, subsequent ones: 153 characters each).
  • Remaining: The remaining characters before the next message starts.
  • Chars Used: The total number of characters used in the message.
  • Encoding: The type of encoding used (7-bit encoding).

Download Sample Document

For reference, you can download a sample Excel sheet to understand the format required for the contact information and message parameters.

Bulk SMS Interface

DLT Registered Template Requirement

  • To send bulk SMS, you need a DLT-registered template with a template ID and content.
  • If your message includes variables, use placeholders like:
Hello {var}, your order {var} has been shipped and will arrive by {var}.
  • Replace placeholders with corresponding variable names from your Excel file:
Hello ##key1##, your order ##key2## has been shipped and will arrive by ##key3##.
  • For messages without variables, use the exact content.

Variable Format

  • ##key1##
  • ##key2##
  • ##key3##

Steps to Fill Variables

  • Identify placeholders {var} in the template.
  • Replace them with corresponding variables from Excel, e.g., ##key1##.
  • Verify the final message.


  • Template:
Hello ##key1##, your order ##key2## has been shipped and will arrive by ##key3##.
  • Filled Message:
Hello John, your order 12345 has been shipped and will arrive by March 5th.
  • At runtime, placeholders are replaced with actual values.